The next fair is behind us. Such events always give us energy and power to act. When we see the interest of buyers and the fact that they also appreciate the idea that stands behind sweets, not just their taste values we want to act even more dynamically than before.
Family is one of the most important values in life, and shared moments are the best thing we can give to our loved ones. That is why we proudly became a partner of the Family and sports picnic at PGE Błonie National Stadium which took place on September 14.
Porcja Dobra pampers not only the taste buds of kids but also of adults who have also become its fans! We are launching a closer cooperation with Jagiellonia. Learn more…
Wiedzieliśmy, że nasze produkty są wyjątkowe i dobre, ale tego się nie spodziewaliśmy! W niezależnym badaniu Perły Rynku FMCG 2019, w którego jury zasiadają eksperci zajmujący się branżą spożywczą otrzymaliśmy 6 !!! nagród. A w konkursie wystartowało blisko 400 różnych produktów.